2018 Legislative Session Information


The 2018 Kentucky General Assembly’s Legislative Session has been filled with significant legislation, including what felt like a rollercoaster of ups and downs during the final three weeks of the Session.  JCTA was present, on the ground, lobbying legislators and advocating for not only Kentucky’s public education, in general, but Jefferson County Teacher Association members, in particular.  Throughout this time period, JCTA kept members informed of the details within key bills with articles, charts, and videos that were shared on social media and sent out in all-member emails. These informational pieces have been collected and posted here for easy reference:




o    KY Pensions (Part 1) Chronology - This is the first in a series of videos discussing recent events impacting the Teachers Retirement System of Kentucky by JCTA President Brent McKim. 

o   KY Pensions (Part 2) What's not in SB15-Part 2 discusses numerous harmful provisions in previous versions of the pension bill that were removed through the effective engagement of JCTA/KEA members and their allies.

o   KY Pensions (Part 3) Changes for Current Active Teachers-Part 3 discusses the only change in SB151 that effects current active teachers.

o   KY Pensions (Part 4) Changes for Current Retirees-Part 4 discusses the provisions in SB151 that will affect current retirees and current active teachers who retire on or after January 1, 2019.

o   KY Pensions (Part 5) Changes for Future Teachers-Part 5 explains the Cash Balance Hybrid plan for future teachers hired after January 1, 2019.

o   KY Pensions (Part 6) Other SB151 Provisions-In this final video of the series, other miscellaneous provisions in SB151 are discussed.




·      Key Jefferson County Votes in 2018 Legislative Session

·      Comparison of 3 Main Pension Bills: